Monday, 9 June 2014

Blogging Workshop Event(Bangalore)..

Some key points:-
1. Proper ‪#‎niche‬ research is required before you start a ‪#‎blog‬
2. Niche research goes along 3 factors (i) choose a topic you're really good at (ii) choose a topic that you really love (iii) choose a topic that has a demand for
3. Choose blogging platform according to your requirements.
4. Making money is the least important thing you should focus on
5. The primary focus must be on providing value to your readers. Your content must solve problems of people around your niche.
6. This is flow a blogger must follow
i) Niche research
ii) Choosing blogging platform
iii) Buying Domain
iv) Buying Hosting
v) Getting Theme / Template
vi) Getting Content Ideas
vii) Writing Great Content
viii) Marketing
ix) Making Money
x) Delighting your readers with new content
7. Two awesome resources to learn blogging
i) 31 Days Build a Better Blog eBook by Darren Rowse
ii) Blogging Mastermind Course by Yaro

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing this content with us..really amazing blog
    please keep posting ..!!!
    Ignite Minds
    Ignite Mind


Thank to you